Facility Management Marketing Podcast
Welcome to the Facility Management Marketing podcast, hosted by Javier Lozano, Jr.
In this podcast, we focus on the latest marketing (and sales) strategies and techniques specifically tailored for the facility and property management industry. Our goal is to help IFM professionals in these fields grow their businesses and stay ahead of the competition.
As a facility or property management professional, you know that marketing is a crucial aspect of any business, and the facility management industry is no exception. But with so many new trends, strategies, and digital platforms, it can be overwhelming to know the best approach to market your facility service company.
How do you use marketing that is aligned with sales and revenue to grow your FM business today? How does marketing grow your sales pipeline? How does marketing generate hight intent, quality, leads? How does marketing make your FM or PM business a category king or queen?
In each episode, we dive deep into the world of facility management marketing, discussing topics such as lead generation, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and more.
We'll share tips and strategies for attracting potential clients and growing your business, as well as provide techniques to maximize your marketing dollars at industry trade shows and events like Connex, RFMA, and SPECS.
If you're tired of sharing leads generated at trade shows and conferences and want to have your own leads, found through a Google search, Google ad, social media (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Tiktok), or some other form of digital marketing, this podcast is for you.
Join Javier on the Facility Management Marketing podcast as he helps you navigate the world of online marketing and grow your facility services company. Tune in for valuable insights, tips, and resources to help you succeed in your facility and property management career.
Facility Management Marketing Podcast
Transforming Facility Management: A Customer-Centric Approach
Are you falling into the trap of overselling your product capabilities and benefits, without considering the actual needs of your clients? Today's episode is all about shifting that perspective, moving away from a self-centric view to a customer-centric approach. We dig into the common pitfalls that facility property management companies often stumble upon, and how you can sidestep these errors. We discuss how by understanding and highlighting the 'pain' your product can alleviate, you're able to demonstrate its true value. We also touch upon the importance of ensuring that your company's image is consistently reflected in customer reviews, adding credibility to your brand.
We further delve into how content marketing can act as a powerful tool to build and nurture relationships with potential customers. Recognizing customer pain points and creating personalized content not only fosters connection but also aids in better decision making. We shed light on the non-linear journey of buyers and the importance of simplifying the purchase process with valuable content. Wrapping up the episode, we share some secrets to keep you updated with facility management marketing trends, strategies, and resources. Whether you're an industry veteran or a budding entrepreneur, today's discussion offers valuable insights to help you navigate the digital marketing landscape for facility management effectively. So, tune in and let's get started on empowering your business growth.
What's going on everyone? Welcome to another episode. I'm your host, javier. All right, I'm going to be going over three content marketing mistakes that your facility property management company is going to be making, and probably has already made, that you want to avoid.
Speaker 2:So you're probably asking yourself how to successfully grow a facility management company in today's digital age while still remaining profitable. You know that marketing should probably be in the mix, but you may not know the best approach, the new strategies or which digital platform is market on. So how do you use marketing to grow your effort business today? That is a question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Javier Lozano Jr and welcome to the facility management marketing podcast.
Speaker 1:So you don't learn the hard way. Three content marketing mistakes that I see all the time that facility property management companies make that you want to avoid. All right, you do these three things and your content is going to improve. I'm going to take a swig, because I just did a 45 minute podcast before this one, all right. So number one is not selling the pain enough, and I cannot emphasize this enough. I get hit sometimes by people saying like I just don't like being negative. Negative is just I don't like being negative, I don't want to be negative.
Speaker 1:I can tell you right now no one sold a lot of stuff. Or let me rephrase that those frying pans that you know basically has no eggs that stick to it and cheese and stick to it. That wasn't sold because like hey, this is a cool frying pan, you should buy it. It wasn't sold because you're happy. It was sold because they sold like the pain. They sold the pain so bad that your life was going upside down because your eggs were sticking to the pan, like that's what they sold.
Speaker 1:So rushing to show the capabilities or even the benefits is a bad habit, not only in sales but also in content marketing. So if you're a sales expert, you should know that you shouldn't be selling on like benefits and capabilities Like no one gives a shit about that. You got to sell on the pain Like what is this worth to you? Whenever you can't do this, what does this mean whenever this can happen to you? What does this mean to your team whenever this happens? What does this mean on your weekends, whenever you get a phone call that your HPC unit is out again for the fifth time this week. What does that?
Speaker 1:do to you. You've got to drive the pain Right, because the reality is, is that pain is going to drive revenue? So you've got to agitate that pain like a mother, okay. So make sure you don't. You don't focus on the benefits, because no one gives a shit about benefits and capabilities, because now, all of a sudden, you're the same thing.
Speaker 1:Think of it like this If BMW sold that there, like, hey, we're just another car that has four wheels, we have leather seats and it's really nice, are you? Are people going to be buying that? No, like you know, does it pay you to drive your kids a car in a you know white sedan that can't go fast? Is it annoying? And all of a sudden, like they're building this, like pain, like I don't know I had this, like I need this and like I can tell you right now, like I sometimes feel that, like I'm like man, I need that nice car.
Speaker 1:All right, so unless people that resonate with let me phrase this again people typically are going to resonate with pain. They don't care how cool your product is. So, for the most part, anytime you agitate, bring up pain, you make things like just bad. If you will, they're gonna find some sort of like okay, I get this. And it's just more evident that in the current you know economic times, people are making decisions not on like benefits and capabilities, but on like what they're going through, what the pain is, what the suffering is, that's what people are making their decisions on All right.
Speaker 1:I can tell you that right now, like we make buying decisions as a company based off of the pains that we currently are going through, so, like we invested in Zoom Info. The reason we invested in Zoom Info is because the pain for us was like, man, we have a really great product for this industry and we can't find all those people. We need someone to be dedicated to this and we need to give them a tool to help them find more of these types of people. Oh, zoom Info does that amazing, and so that. And it was so painful for us because we were like we're leaving all this money on the table, like this is an opportunity that's killing us, and so what we decided to do is invest in a software product to help us do that. It's no different from like your CMMS. You can position your CMMS as a product that is solving this painful thing, this painful problem. Okay, and you just gotta get that All right.
Speaker 1:Number two is not understanding your customers enough. Not understanding your customers enough, like and this is tough because a lot of people are like well, this is what our customers are like, are they? Because your reviews about your company from your customers is not saying it doesn't equal the same thing what you're telling me, what you're describing, and so, like what you describe should be the same thing. That is like what you hear your customers say about your company in the reviews. Hopefully they're both positive, okay. So if they describe that your company is crap and you guys are bunch of A-holes, hopefully that truly is not true. But if they keep saying that maybe you need to change some things that you're doing operationally or something like that, right, but I digress. But you gotta understand your customers and so ideas here, things that you can do, is you can try to demo products or services to prospects, if possible, like you can talk to prospects that are looking for your facility or property management services and you can say, hey, I'll let you experience our service for 30 days, just so you have an opportunity to kind of learn more about how we handle stuff. I won't charge you anything, and so then you'll be able to understand what their questions are and what they're looking to solve. And so by you understanding them, it's gonna give you some great content ideas that will touch them in the heart, if you will. So, like you're like huh Cause. Like if you let someone experience your product or service for 30 days, yes, I know that you're losing out on money, but then, on the flip side, you're gaining so much knowledge and insight from that customer that you're like, if we could do X, y and Z, would this make you happy? Oh, really Interesting. And so if we remove this and this and this, how would that do for you? And also, that person is gonna start kind of like wow, you totally get me. They start feeling like you understand them. You can start writing your content in ways where you get feedback from these people that are trialing out your product or service. Okay, you get direct feedback from them. And then you're like okay, I'm gonna start marketing my brand, my product or my service like this, and so that anytime a facility manager is looking for my stuff, they feel like that we understand them and they know that we know what their pains are as well too.
Speaker 1:And so your content starts shaping more to be more personal. So example is like we find ways every way possible to personalize the experience for our customers at Ratmates. So first we anchor in on pain big time and then we try to find ways to personalize things so, like, if you came in and you're interested in a truck, you're gonna get content about trucks or wrapping trucks. Okay, oh, that's let me re yeah, yes and no, because we do kind of that but we kind of don't do that. So let me rephrase that If you come in and you're interested in wrapping a vehicle for your business, you're gonna get content on wrapping your vehicle for your business. If you come in and you get interested in wrapping your personal like Corvette or whatever your personal vehicle, you'll get content on your personal vehicle. We are working on creating content for, like, your truck and your van and your sedan and your trailer. You know stuff like that. So, but we're understanding our customer more and more and more, so it becomes more personalized, and then so we also create content on our website. That is the same thing. So, like, interested in wrapping your truck? So then they learn information about wrapping their truck and then so if they click on that, they go through a truck flow and they understand how to get all that stuff done, and so this is gonna help, basically, your content be is gonna help your content resonate with your future customers, and so what you want is that you want your content to be useful so that they wanna share also with their team as well too. So again, creating that personalization and understanding your customers is huge. This gives you a leg up on anyone in the competition, okay, so you gotta get this right, all right.
Speaker 1:Number three is, then, not understanding the decision matrix. So I've said this before, I'm gonna say it again Buyers don't buy in a straight line. Buyers buy like by like. I'm gonna go, I see them at a conference. Excellent, I got their information. They call me, they email me. I'm not gonna reply back. I'm gonna go to their website. I'm gonna read their reviews. I'm gonna talk to all their facility managers. I'm gonna go to another conference and see what other people say. I'm gonna go to this community online community group that there's all that. Facility managers on LinkedIn. Oh, I see an ad here. Oh, I'm gonna download this thing. Okay, I'm gonna opt into this little thing that they have so I get some more information. Oh, I'm gonna read their emails. You know what? I'm gonna schedule a demo. Oh, I'm gonna be a customer.
Speaker 1:Now, that journey is different, and it's just always different. So, not understanding the decision matrix. So that's one piece of it. Is that how they buy is completely different. The other piece of this is that it doesn't. It's not a great story when you don't understand how they make their buying decisions. So creating stories that matter to them and that solve their problems and then focusing the content on a few things I got my notes here Focusing the content on a few things High impact and there's a must have, so answer the questions the buyers might have. And then high impact, but the buyer wasn't even thinking on those lines like wow, factor stuff.
Speaker 1:So what I'm saying here is that you gotta understand that your buyer is jumping around in different things and their decision matrix and how they make their buying decisions. You've gotta solve those things. So it could be like, okay, I'm looking for these eight things and these things it has to solve, and so you have to basically hit each one of those pieces as well too. Okay, you understand this. So if you know that, like your buyer does these things, that they jump around to different things to find out more about your company, then you need to make that as part of your decision matrix. So like, okay, we have these facility managers that are using our product or services. Okay, and the reason they use these product and services because they were facing X, y and Z. So that's part of your decision matrix. And you could also, you know, see what they've reviewed us on on Google. Okay, and so, like, you get what I'm trying to get to.
Speaker 1:So what you want is that you want your content to where, if you know how your buyers make their buying decisions, like they like I got to check this box off. I got to check this box off, do it for them so that it's all there and I don't make a fucking box on a blog or whatever, and like, and this is how you know we're better, don't do that. But like, and Joey was experiencing this. And when Joey contacted our facility company, they realized that you know, they, you know, had to be able to do this, and so we were able to reveal this other thing and also saved them a half a million dollars and all this other stuff because of this. And so, not only you know is Joey happy, but we saved the money and we saved him time and you know he loves us.
Speaker 1:Like, those are things like that.
Speaker 1:You got to check this box off. You got to check this box off. You got to check this box off. You got to help them make these decisions a lot easier as well, too. So you got to understand that your buyer is jumping from thing to thing to figure out about your company instead of them having to jump everywhere. Make it all in one place so that it's easy for them to get all that content, all that information in one place and understand it. Okay, this could be done on a sales page, this could be done in an email. This could be done in different ways in a video that you, that you recycle, like.
Speaker 1:There's different ways in how you can do this, but understanding your buyers, understanding how they make their decisions, is huge. It's critical. So those are the three, three mistakes that facility management companies are going to make when it comes to content marketing. Okay, and so I asked that you don't make these mistakes because they can affect you in a bad way. Like you won't close any more deals probably you can lose that on revenue, but really, like, if you fix on, like if you get better at agitating pain, if you get better understanding your customers and if you get better understanding the buying decision that they, that they have their process, you can expedite and also set yourself as an authority as a knowledgeable person on on closing these deals, and so the content that you create should be supporting your sales team. So then, like, if your sales team is experiencing issues here, you should be like okay, I'm going to use these three things as my outline, I'm going to provide this to the sales team and hopefully this helps the sales team push some more deals over the, over the goal line, or at least get the you know more, more demos into the books or more appointments into the books. Like this should be tools that you can use. They can be PDFs, they can be sales pages, they can be actual pages on your website that they're hidden but they're only accessible to the sales team so they can leverage it for other opportunities. Like, there's different ways that you can use this thing, all right. So, anyways, I hope you found this valuable.
Speaker 1:Three things that I say on my podcast number one please give us a five star review on either Spotify or Apple. Podcast Number two please take the time to connect to me on LinkedIn. I know that I connect with a lot of people on there and, like share with me what was your favorite episode or if there's something that our content or a topic that you want me to cover, let me know. And then number three please share this podcast with somebody else. Like this is how our podcast has been growing month over month is because of you. You share it with somebody and then they download it and they experience it and they learn a bunch of cool stuff.
Speaker 1:But like the idea here is like I'm trying to get people to kind of see how you know all this kind of works and how this whole marketing stuff is really. It's challenging, but like there is a game plan, there's a strategy and how marketing can really help your facility or property company really start kind of growing and exploding, if you will. So if you do those three things, that'd be great. Other than that, I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll talk to you all later. All right, guys, thanks for taking a listen to our facility management marketing podcast secrets. This is your host, javier Lozano Jr. One other ask I've got for you guys is to subscribe to our email list.
Speaker 2:You can go to boldermedia solutionscom slash email and that way you can get updates on some marketing trends that I'm seeing, some strategies that I'm executing and, more importantly, I'll be actually launching some webinars and training that's going to help your company use marketing strategies to essentially grow your business.
Speaker 1:We'll be doing some training, offering some courses, that sort of stuff.
Speaker 2:So you can always unsubscribe to that email list. It's no big deal, it's not going to hurt my feelings. This is more for facility managers, I'm sure facility management companies that want to grow their business by using marketing.
Speaker 1:All right guys, thanks a lot. Have a great one.